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2013 Goals
Down Payment Fund – Reach $20k by the end of the year
Dividend Portfolio – Invest in at least three new dividend-paying stocks
Retirement – Max out IRA
Career Advancement – Take on new responsibilities, let go of old ones, get a promotion/raise
Health/Fitness – Run/walk at least 15 miles per month (but preferably more)
Plan my wedding
2012 Goals
Down Payment Fund – Reach $10k by the end of the year - DONE
Other Taxable Accounts – Reach $13k by the end of the year
Dividend Income – Earn $400 over the course of the year across all taxable accounts - DONE
Retirement – Max out IRA - DONE
Retirement – Invest in a REIT - DONE
To achieve these goals, I will need to save roughly 50% of my net income
Health/Fitness – Get my body fat percentage down to 25%