Instantly buy and
calculate exact postage.
Print postage on labels,
envelopes or plain paper.
Affix postage and mail
anywhere in the world.
100 Value
Simply click the “Get Started” button to sign up for and get access to all the services of the Post Office right from your computer 24/7. Even get discounts you can’t get at the Post Office!
We’ll give you 4 weeks to see if is right for you. We’re so confident you’ll like, we’ll also throw in $5 free postage to use during those 4 weeks.
Cancel your account online or call 1‑855‑608‑2677 to cancel within the 4‑week trial period and pay no service fee. The monthly fee is just $15.99, including the first month. Your service will continue uninterrupted as long as you do not cancel.